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Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is a behavioral affliction where a person becomes trapped in a pattern of repetitive thoughts, ideas or impulses and compelling behavior patterns that are purposeless and distressing but extremely difficult to overcome.

What is OCD? Its an anxiety disorder which causes its sufferers to have unwanted, persistent, preoccupations of the mind(obsessions) and feelings that they must perform an action repeatedly in a ritualistic manner(compulsions) .These thoughts and behaviors often interfere with normal life. Some common symptoms include hand washing, counting and checking. Such people can lose precious hours of the day occupied in their obsessions and compulsions.

Causes: In 3 out of 4 cases of OCD, the onset of the affliction is sudden, generally following a stressful life event. It is believed that people who develop OCD have a biological predisposition to react strongly to stress, and this reaction takes the form of intrusive, distressing thoughts, and these thoughts lead to more anxiety and stress, eventually creating a vicious circle the person cannot escape without help.

Signs and symptoms: These are unwanted ideas or impulses that repeatedly well up in the mind of the person with OCD. Again and again, the individual experiences a disturbing thought , such as of contamination, ;my hands may be dirty, I must wash them' or of doubt; ' I may have left the gas on' or ' I m going to injure my child' . These thoughts produce anxiety. Compulsions To deal with their anxiety, most people with OCD resort to rituals. These repetitive behaviors are called as compulsions. The most common of these are washing and checking, other compulsive behaviors include counting, or endlessly rearranging objects in an effort to keep them in symmetry with each other. Performing these rituals may give the person with OCD some relief from anxiety, but it is only temporary. Insight People with OCD generally have considerable insight into their own problems, most of the time; they know that their obsessive thoughts are senseless or exaggerated, and that their compulsive behaviors are not really necessary. However this knowledge is not sufficient to enable them to break free from their illness. Resistance Most people with OCD struggle to banish their unwanted obsessive thoughts and to prevent themselves from engaging in compulsive behaviors. Many are able to do so when they are at work. But over the months or years resistance may weaken, and when this happens, OCD may become so severe that time consuming rituals may take over a person's life and make it impossible for him or her to continue activities outside the home. Shame and secrecy People with OCD generally attempt to hide their problems rather than seek help. Often they are remarkably successful in concealing their symptoms from friends and coworkers. And unfortunate consequence of this secrecy is that people with OCD do not receive professional help until years after the onset of the disease, by that time, the habits may be deeply ingrained and very difficult to change. Treatment and options: If you are suffering from ocd, you can seek homeopathic treatment irrespective of the stage of your disease. Seek help now.

For mild to moderate types, the results are very much effective , and if you have a moderate to severe type, the intensity of your symptoms can be dramatically reduced and you can carry on with your day to day activities and life without any hassles. Homeopathy reduces and/or eliminates the anxiety, panic, worry, and negative thoughts associated with the disease. The continuous surge of negative and fixed thoughts is drastically reduced and with continuous treatment its brought down to an extent where it wont interfere with your work and day to day activities. Many patients become symptom free with continuous treatment. there is a feeling of positivity and well being, and this continues for a long term. Many patients become self reliant, and start leading a independent life.They can manage themselves well and start living a productive life. OCD affects family life, personal life and relationships and homeopathy helps these patients to live a healthy personal life. Along with homeopathic specific and constitutional medicines, counselling is also done for these patients along with other suggestions like yoga, dance, music, breathing techniques etc.

So dont despair if you have OCD, you can seek help with homeopathy and lead a beautiful life!

- This article has been published by author Dr.Sheetal mehta here:

Dr.Sheetal Mehta, BMW(BodyMindWellness)Homeopathic Clinic

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