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Psoriasis:what you need to know,Causes,treatments that work,self help, Homeopathic treatments

The cause for this irksome skin disease that presents as thick red silvery scaled patches on the skin is still being researched. The sad part is that as yet,there is no one single treatment, and mostly all of them give only temporary relief.


BUT HOW?WAIT.We will come to the answer of this question.Before that, first lets get to know more about this disease itself so that we can explain you how the treatments work.




anywhere in the body, most commonly legs, arms , knees, elbows, trunk, scalp

Underarm region, below breasts, buttocks,genitals

Look: dicoloured, silvery scaly lesions that vary in size from minute papules covering a large area

Dry, do not get infected

Some studies have shown that people with psoriasis -- especially severe psoriasis -- may be more likely to develop other conditions like:

Diabetes. Researchers aren't sure what the connection between psoriasis and diabetes is. However, other health conditions also linked to psoriasis -- high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity -- also put someone at risk for diabetes.

Heart disease. Medical experts say the inflammation caused by psoriasis could be related to the artery damage that leads to atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels) and other heart problems.

Cancer. Some treatments for psoriasis, including PUVA light therapy and certain medications, can raise the risk of specific cancers.

Someone with psoriasis also has a greater chance of having depression, obesity, and high blood pressure.



Abnormal growth of the skin that results in red, patchy appearance.Immune system cud be responsible for this because it causes a wrong trigger resulting in abnormal growth.Normal skin cells take 28-30 days to mature and fall off the surface.Psoriatic skin cells however take only 4-5 days to mature and move to the surface of the skin where they pile off instead of falling off.

There is a genetic element also, this disease runs in families of 30% of patients.

External factors/agg factors:infections, stress, climatic conditions like colds.

Injuries to skin involving burns, cuts , rashes.

Medications like beta blockers, lithium, antimalarial drugs, nsaid’s like brufen



Most of the present day meds only attempt to treat the symptoms, and not the disease.

Psoriasis is due to hyperactive immune system. The dual function of the intestinal wall of absorption and barrier to unwanted antigens or chemicals is compromised that results in leakage of toxins into the system. The immune system then gets activated to produce antibodies and t cells leading to inflammation.

This process also puts added burden on liver and kidneys. The resulting hyperactive immune system leads to a build up of cells on the skin causing the itchy psoriatic symptoms.

The present medicines can work a bit but are harmful in the long run. The medicines should target correcting the intestinal leak that occurs and the rest will take care of itself.

Patients with psoriasis can take the following steps to try to prevent these other health problems.

  • Go for annual checkups and get regular tests as recommended. These exams can catch problems early on when they're easier to treat.

  • Know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers. If they are high, find out what to do to lower them. Treating high blood pressure and cholesterol can help keep his heart and arteries healthy.

  • Take a healthy approach to life -- including not drinking too much alcohol, not smoking, getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. A healthy lifestyle can help lower his risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

  • Ask the doctor about cancer risks and what symptoms to watch for.

Remember, the disease isn't who you are.There is much more to you than the fact that you have psoriasis.You should try to focus on your strengths and talents to help build your self-esteem.

While psoriasis flare-ups are often unpredictable, certain things can trigger symptoms. Managing your triggers can lead to fewer flare-ups and milder flare-ups when they do happen.

Ease stress. Because having psoriasis is stressful, it seems unfair that stress can trigger a flare-up. Finding ways to avoid or relieve stress part is an important part of your treatment plan.

You need to make time every day to relax, even if it's just a half-hour of listening to soothing music. Try these healthy approaches, too:

  • Relaxation exercises, such as guided imagery or breathing exercises

  • Meditation

  • Yoga or tai chi

  • Daily exercise

You should avoid using alcohol or herbal remedies to help deal with stress. Drinking alcohol may seem relaxing, but it can lead to health problems.

If the stress in your life feels overwhelming, talking to a therapist or trained counselor can make it easier to get through difficult times.

Warm up. Cold weather is hard on most people's skin, leaving it itchy, dry, and cracked. That's true for people with psoriasis, too. To keep itching and tenderness in check, you should use moisturizers more often during winter months and apply a thick coating to psoriasis patches. After bathing, pat -- don't rub -- skin dry. Apply moisturizer while skin is still damp.

Watch what you eat. Although many people say diet affects their psoriasis, no research has shown a connection. Some experts, however, think it's possible people may have specific food triggers. The best advice is to eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, and limited fats and sugars. If you notice that your symptoms flare when you eat a specific food, stop eating it for a while and watch what happens to your psoriasis. At the next appointment, you should tell this to your doctor.

Diet control:


satvik diet is recommended.What is meant by this?To clarify,

one is advised not to have tea, coffee, aerated drinks etc, and restrict dairy foods.Sprouted n boiled vegetables are preferred.


Thick n green outer leaves of cabbage as a compress

Drinking buttermilk in large quantities n application of curd/buttermilk to affected area

Certain oils such as olive oil and oil of avocado (kulu naspati) on affected parts and oil extracted from outer shells of cashewnuts

Use of mud packs



Avoid soap

Application of sea water externally once a day

Homeopathy treatment


Effective in nearly 75%of cases.

The approach is to strike at the root cause n create a condition such that the skin becomes healthy n the excessive exfoliation is not allowed to take place.

A very minute evaluation is made of the facts that includes family history,trigering factors, itching, emotional aspects,location and seriousness of the complaint.

One advantage of homeopathic medicines is that they are safe and not detrimental to the body on prolonged use whereas steroids used in allopathy are definitely not advisable in the long run.

However as the disease is difficult to tackle, people often get fed up and leave midway.Patients who have taken homeopathy are required caution that the journey is tedious and long, but persistence is the keyword and cure may take upto 2-3 yrs and more. Also, the disease has it own course of exarcebations and remissions so one has be aware and cautious of the above points and accordingly do the lifestyle measures and medications.



If we look at the treatment options available various allopathic formulations used till date offer only symptomatic treatment.Even the latest medicines seems to offer relief for months than offer a complete cure.

Regular exercise, balanced diet, walk in the sun are very beneficial.While the goal of complete cure may not be achieved or possible, however , a treatment that offers buildup of a better immunity with time is really advisable and hence the popularity of homeopathy which hence eradicates the troublesome symptoms and the suffering and rewards the patient with a better life.

Psoriasis can be managed with the right treatment and good self-care, and now add homeopathy to it!


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