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Temper tantrums in children with Homeopathy

about temper tantrums, professional help,8 smart tips and tricks to handle temper tantrums, top homeopathic remedies,homeopathy treatment for temper tantrums.

about temper tantrums, professional help,8 smart tips and tricks to handle temper tantrums, top homeopathic remedies,homeopathy treatment for temper tantrums.


Why is my child throwing tantrums?what should I do about it?

Mostly all Children usually start having tantrums from the age of 18 months to 24 months and beyond.Most of the parents are aware of this fact. Still, temper tantrums make parents go anxious and crazy.It is something that not all parents would be able to handle.

You should definitely take professional help if tantrums start getting more frequent , or if you sense that you are not able to handle them. But before that, you should know certain things about temper tantrums , self help and tips to handle them.


When children throw temper tantrums, parents get anxious and worried because they feel they are not able to inculcate proper manners into their child. The first thought that crosses the mind when the child throws temper tantrums is , take some action that stops the child from doing so.Some children may simply get angry or stamp their feet, or whine instead of throwing tantrums.

Children show angry behavior so that they can get what they want.the parents want the child to stop heaving in such a way , so they eventually give them what he is asking for. So eventally the child succeeds in getting what he wants .

Temper tantrums are one step higher. They occur when the child loses control of himself. He is so frustrated or stressed that he cannot manage his frustrations anymore and he throws a tantrum.He does not have coping mechanism to handle his internal stress and he throws a tantrum.In a way, he is “throwing out”or “venting out”his frustration.

Of course, no parent would like his child to throw temper tantrums. So they reason with the child logically, or try to make his understand that he should not do this.However, talking, reasoning, or arguing with a child out of his temper tantrums will not help.It is useless to try. It will only increase your frustration. Your child is already upset and interrupting him in any way would only make it worse.


temper tantrums with homeopathy:BMW Homeopathy-Dr.Sheetal Mehta

So, what can you do when your child throws temper tantrums? 8 smart tips and tricks to stop temper tantrums:

1.The wisest thing is to allow him to finish his tantrum. This is the scariest part for most parents. They do not have the mental preparedness for such a situation because they want the child to stop immediately or at once. But you need to understand that it’s a gradual process and since it’s a venting out process actually, it will surely come to an end, sooner or later.If you let the child have his tantrum in his own time, it is much more likely to end quickly rather than if you would intervene.

2.Do not logically try to convince or make the child understand “during “ the time of temper tantrums.Even if the child does listen to you, he is doing it because of a learned fear of obeying you. This kind of behavior that’s reinforced through a learnt fear is not good for your child in the long run.Havent seen this happen many times??The child does something that’s not appropriate according to you, you scold him , and probably the child stops??this might make us happy. But remember,this is not a positive thing to happen. But this only reinforces negative feelings and learnt fear and this harms the childs developmental process , emotional and mental faculties.So if you wish to talk about it at all,do it when sufficient time has passed after the tantrum and the child is in a playful or a receptive mood.


  1. Avoid all possible triggers which might make your child throw tantrums.You may have observed certain patterns by this time as to what are the potential triggers. For eg, ensure that he is not, if he has a bad day at school, then its best to be at home and let him take rest and cool down at home.

  2. If he does so in public, resist the urge to scold him. Usually parents end up threatening their kids by saying”if u create a scene, you will be trouble” for eg, or “if you create a scene, I wil have to hit you or slap you etc, or suggest some kind of punishment. Please avoid doing this in all circumstances.a typical toddler behavior is to test whether you actually mean what u are saying,. So kids usually do things that we tell them not to do. They want to be actually seeing what really happen when they actually go out and do it. It only raises the curiousity of the child regarding the act which you are telling them not to do, and so they would most probably go out and do things that are supposedly”forbidden”.

  3. Every child who goes to a shop or a store, would start wanting many things!this is absolutely normal!kids are curious by nature, and they want to explore everytihing. So even if he throws a temper tantrum, do not try to teach him that lessonthat he cant have everything that he wants. Pic k up a time when the child is calmer or at home . That time would be a much better time for teaching him that, just gently touch him affectionately and tell him that he can have this thing but only one at a he can pick up one thing which would be moderated by you. Ask him , what would he do with that particular thing he wants to buy?does he really require it today?make him think about what he wants, as to whether he really needs it or not?

  4. Check whether the things that he asks for are healthy or unhealthy for him mentally and physically. Be ready to give him the healthy things. Teach him the difference between healthy and unhealthy. Don’t just say that this is good and this is bad. Explain to him the logic behind it. For eg, teach him the difference between eating sugar candy and an orange?which is healthier and why?so wen he asks for something , give him a choice. tell him you will give him the healthy choices anytime he asks for it, and ask him to make a choice.

  5. Never give them the ability to have access to your money or wallet, so that they know that they have to ask you if they need something.if he asks something, you will be paying for it, so u have a choice don’tu?u can choose not to pay if u feel inappropriate.

  6. Engage him in a game of “what do u think you would like”?do not worry about what answers he might give to that. Its just about brainstorming, making him think, letting him takedecisions, letting him know what are his choices. Andtheres one more advantage to this. The kid starts getting a feeling that you are not against him or you aren’t refusing him or his desires. So he actually starts becoming a better kid.


IS it really a temper tantrum?

Lets say for eg u take a child to a shop and he wants a certain toy and u don’t give it to him and so he starts crying . this does not necessarily mean it’s a tantrum. The child is only trying to tell you that hes upset or angry with you. Sodo not confuse tantrums with expressions of displeasure or manipulation.he may think that if he cries loudly enough, you might biuy him something just to get him to be quiet!only you can determine when your childs emotions cross the line into tantrums.


Professional help :homeopathy remedies,homeopathy treatment for temper tantrums:

Consult a health professional or a doctor who has an experience of working with kids . At times,counseling can help. It’s the team of the doctor and the counselor that gives the best results. Positive behavior reinforcement can be done with homeopathy. Homeopathy also deals with the stresses and frustrations and helps with overall personality development of the child. It aids the childs development, makes the child's mental faculties sharp, and creates an environment of healthy emotional patterns and behavior for your child. Temper tantrums have shown very satisfactory results in homeopathic clinical practice.


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