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Women's Health and Homeopathy


Pregnancy is one of the most important events in a woman's life.This lens covers all problems that can occur during pregnancy and their management,in each trimester. Not all medicines can be taken during pregnancy, due to potential side effects and you need to be careful about choosing your medicines. Know the common conditions that can be encountered during your pregnancy .Especially if you are pregnant for the first time, you need to read this carefully.
Ok, so a little about me. Myself,Dr.Sheetal Mehta, is a alternative medicine (homeopathy) physician , and I practise homeopathy at my full time clinic. I feel very woman has a right to look and feel her best and she should have the access to the right resources. As women, we surely dont want to play with our health and bodies and we need to be sure and safe always, whether its outdoors or indoors, and whether its with respect to our lifestyle, or our health.

I am very passionate about natural living and I feel women are much more intelligent than they think they are!Women surely know whats best for them and they would always vouch for a science based on natural holistic principles for themselves, their kids, their hubby , and everyone in their family. A woman should not be neglecting her health at any cost(no matter what we say, we are always in the habit of looking after others needs first and we forget ourselves many a times!). Many times we do have to remind ourselves to get back to track and stay connected with our inner selves, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Hence I have created this resource and this particular section regarding pregnancy. Read this and be empowered to know what you need and how to seek help.If you wish to discuss more or ask, just drop me a line! stay healthy, stay happy!


  1. Pregnancy:week by week guide





  6. :Differential diagnosis of Pregnancy



  9. New comments

  10. glossary




During pregnancy, there are many physiological changes that happen in the body of a pregnant woman..As such, it requires proper systematic antenatal care to ensure healthy pregnancy , a normal healthy child and to avoid any complications during pregnancy and childbirth. The criteria of a normal pregnancy are : Delivery of a single baby in good condition between 38-42 weeks with foetal weight of 2.5 gms or above, with no maternal complication.



The duration of pregnancy is roughly calculated by the estimated delivery date(EDD) method , as 266 days or 40 weeks from the first day of last missed period(LMP). There are now many tests and methods to diagnose pregnancy, through urine/serum through pregnancy kits, and through sonography and examination by the gynaecologist., and results of these tests and examinations help in diagnosing,and predicting the pregnancy duration and delivery time more accurately. Pregnancy duration is divided into three parts called as trimesters. Let us explore them one by one , and the common problems that can arise in each part.


1.MORNING SICKNESS or nausea of pregnancy is present in about 50% of cases,it appears soon after the first missed period and rarely lasts after the 3rd month. Symptoms: Nausea on rising from bed Loss of appetite Vomiting 2.Uterine size varies from hens egg to medium size orange.Immunological tests will be positive, there is sonographic evidence of “gestational ring” 3.AMENORRHOEA OR ABSENCE OF MENSTRUATION: The menstrual cycles go missed. However,sometimes there may be bleeding in early part resembling cyclical bleeding , which occurs close to expected menstrual period date, such bleeding is scanty. It might confuse the diagnosis of pregnancy. 2.Uterus is enlarged, and it may lie on the bladder rendering it incapable of filling, clinically evident by frequency of micturition,during 8-12th week of pregnancy.It disappears after 12th week. 3. Breast discomfort:,6-8th week 4. Fatigue Estimation of gestational/foetus age and prediction of expected date of delivery is important to determine intrauterine growth retardation of the foetus or management of high risk pregnancy. Positive pregnancy test can be done through serum or the urine.

SECOND TRIMESTER(13-28 WEEKS)Signs and Symptoms during 2nd trimester of Pregnancy

1. The symptoms of nausea, vomiting,frequency of micturition usually disappear

2. There is “quickening ” sensation, or feeling of life,perception of active foetal movements by the woman, by about 18th week, 2 weeks earlier in multiparae. 3. Chloasma:Pigmentation over the forehead and cheek at about 24th week 4. Palpation of foetal parts can be made distinctly at 20th week. This can identify the presentation and position of the foetus in later weeks. Sonography can identify the foetal head and body without any hazards

LAST TRIMESTER(29-40 WEEKS)Signs and Symptoms:

pregnancy ailments guide with homeopathy

1.Enlargement of the abdomen is progressive which produces some mechanical discomfort to the woman such as palpitation or dyspnoea following exertion. 2. Lightening: at about 38th week, esp in primigravida, a sense of relief of the pressure symptoms is obtained due to engagement of the presenting part.Following the appearance of features suggestive of lightening ,labor is likely to commence within 6 weeks. 3.Frequency of micturition reappears. 4.Skin:there is increased pigmentation and striae.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF PREGNANCY: :Common conditions which can be confused with pregnancy:

1.Abdomino-pelvic swellings may be caused by uterine fibroid, cystic ovarian tumor,encysted tubercular peritonitis,haematometra,or distended urinary bladder.There could also be amenorrhoea present due to some other reasons and hence more confusing.Pregnancy may also coexist along with the swellings. 2. PSUEDOCYESIS: (PHANTOM, FALSE PREGNANCY): Its a psychological disorder where a woman has the false and firm belief that she is pregnant whereas no pregnancy exists. The woman may be infertile who has a intense desire to have a baby. It is more frequently seen in women who are approaching menopause when her menstruation has ceased for a time.Due to the presence of cessation or absence of menstruation , it could be confusing. There could be gradual enlargement of abdomen due to deposition of fat, breasts secretion and intestinal movement, imagining it to be foetal movement,In some cases, the condition continues till spurious labour sets in. At times, its difficult to convince patient of the truth. 3.CYSTIC OVARIAN TUMOR: The swelling is slow growing,, at times takes months to grow, Amenorrhoea is absent, its got a tense cystic feel unlike soft and elastic feeling of the enlarged uterus in pregnancy, and absence of other positive and diagnostic signs of pregnancy through sonography and other laboratory tests. 4. Fibroid: The swelling is slow growing, often takes years, amenorrhoea is absent, it has got a firm hard feel or cystic feel ,positive signs of pregnancy are absent, diagnostic tests show negative results. Cystic feel, Presence of uterine murmur(uterine souffle,),and soft feel of the cervix are confusing features. 5. Encysted peritonitis: History of Koch’s infection,amenorrhea of longer duration may be present,ill-defined swelling,.absence of positive signs of pregnancy,normal uterus on internal examination separate from the swelling are the findings. 6. Distended urinary bladder:In chronic retention of urine,Catheterisation of bladder solves the problem.

Common Problems during Pregnancy and their Management with homeopathy:

There are certain problems that occur during each trimester as discussed above, as well as throughout pregnancy. Their proper management and a few indicated Homeopathic remedies suited to each condition:

The mother’s womb is continuously accomodating the needs of the foetus and hence women require a very good nutrition and diet throughout pregnancy.She requires a proper diet fortified with iron, calcium , minerals and vitamins. She should take a iron rich diet and see to it that she is eating a healthy balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, grain and fibre. Pregnancy can be so demanding for the mother and due to growing needs of the foetus, hence external supplements and medicines are needed.There is negative iron balance during pregnancy hence supplemental iron is needed.

1. Debility:This is a common symptom throughout pregnancy .Homeopathic Medicines are indicated for debility. china, phosphoric acid,arsenic,kali phos,alfalfa,calcarea phos These medicines improve digestion, assimilation, ensure a good weight gain, good nutrition, and proper absorption of nutrients from the diet, and also correct iron imbalance..They ensure proper functions of good sleep,cool and calm nervous system and correct malnutrition. 2.Anaemia:It is quite common for women to be anaemic during pregnancy, and the following homeopathic medicines are suggested to improve iron and haemoglobin levels in the blood: Homeopathic Medicines: china, ferrum,calcarea phos 3.. Backache Improve your posture. You can use a well fitted pelvic girdle belt. Take rest in hard bed.Back muscles can be massaged. Homeopathic Medicines: rhus tox, pulsatilla,kali carb, cimicifuga,nux vomica,aesculus 4..Irritable bladder,Bladder disturbances: Homeopathic Medicines: copaiva, apis, sarsaparilla,belladonna, cantharis, causticum.equisetum, ferrum metallicum, nux vomica, staphysagria, pulsatilla 5..Albuminuria:(albumin in urine) Homeopathic Medicines: apis arsenic, aurum mur,cuprum ars, gelsemium, glonoine,helonias, kali chlor, merc cor, phosphorus, Sabina,thelaspi, thyroidinum,veratrum viride 6..Blood pressure: Homeopathic Medicines: baryta mur, glonoine,aurum , viscum 7.Constipation: Homeopathic Medicines: hydrastis,iris,magnesium mur,nux vomica, paraffin,alumina,collinsonia, lycopodium,opium, platina,plumbum,sepia 8..Dyspepsia(heartburn, acidity):Restriction of fatty foods,sleeping in semi-reclining position with high pillows Homeopathic Remedies: acetic acid, anacardium, calc carb,cantharis, capsicum, diascorea,nux vomica, hydrastis, graphites,pulsatilla, lycopodium,carbo veg,robinia,ignatia, petroleum 9..Herpes Herpes and a few indicated Homeopathic Medicines: Herpes:circinatus:sepia, tellurium Herpoes labialis:capsicum,natrum mur , rhus tox Herpes preputialis:hepar sulph, nitric acid Herpes pudenda: caladium, natrum mur, nitric acid Herpes zoster:mentha piperita,carb.oxyg,ranunculus bulbosus,rhus tox 10.Mastitis(breasts painful/inflammatory): Homeopathic Medicines: belladonna, phytolacca, conium,apis,bryonia,hepar sulph,graphites, lac caninum, mercurius,phell,pulsatilla , silicea 11.Morning sickness or nausea of pregnancy: Advice: Move the limbs for a few minutes before getting out of bed. Take a dry toast or a biscuit before getting out of bed and do not take any fatty foods or liquids on empty stomach Homeopathic Remedies: amygdalus persica,nux vomica,ipecac, cucurbita,cocculus,apomorphine,aletris,acetic acid,ant tart.,anacardium,apomorphine,argentum nitricum, arsenic, bryonia, carbolic acid,cimicifuga, cocculus, colchicum,cuprum aceticum,cyclamen, gossypium , ipecac, iris,kali muriaticum, lac defloratum, kreosote, lactic acid,.lobelia, magnesium carb, mercurius,natrum phos, nux moschata, nux vomica,petroleum ,phosphorus, psorinum pulsatilla, sepia staphysagria, symphoricarpus,tabaccum, thyroidinum 12..Varicose veins:varicose veins in the legs and vulva, or rectum(haemorrhoids) may appear especially in the later months. For leg therapies, elastic crepe bandage during movements, elevation of the limbs during rest. These usually disappear following delivery.Haemorrhoids can bleed or prolapse.Regular care should be taken to keep the bowel soft. Surgical treatment is better to be withheld. The condition improves greatly after delivery. Homeopathy remedies: hamamelis, pulsatilla, calcarea fluor,arnica, bellis per, calcarea carb,carbo veg, hamamelis, lycopodium, millefolium ,sulphur, zincum metallicum 13..Cough: Homeopathic Medicines: aconite, apocynum , belladonna, bryonia,chamomilla, causticum, conium , corallium rubrum,drosera, glonoine, hyoscyamus,kali brom, ipecac, nux vomica,viburnum opulus 14..Cramps in calves:supplemental calcium therapy, leg massage,application of local heat , and vitamins Homeopathic Remedies: chamomilla, cuprum , magnesium phos,nux vomica, veratrum album 15..Pain (false labour): homeopathic medicines caulophyllum, cimicifuga, chamomilla,.gelsemium, pulsailla, secale 16..Toothache homeopathy remedies aconite, belladonna, calcarea fluor,chamomilla, coffea, kreosote, magnesium carb, nux vomica, ratanhia,sepia, staphysagria, tabaccum 17.Uterine and abdominal soreness: homeopathy remedies hamamelis, pulsatilla 18..Vertigo homeopathy remedies belladonna, cocculus nux vomica 19.Ankle oedema:should be checked for preeclampsia, Blood pressure.If its just a physiological oedema, no treatment is needed. It subsides on rest with slight elevation of the limbs.Diuretics should not be prescribed. 20.Vaginal discharge:keep local cleanliness.If anything suspicious like even a single drop of blood, immediately inform your doctor.There are many homeopathic remedies indicated when there is a risk of abortion, and to prevent it, and hence ensure a risk free pregnancy. vaginal bleeding: homeopathic medicines: erigeron,kali carb, phosphorus,rhus tox 21.stretch marks/striae:external application of vitamin E oil/vitamin E capsules 22. chloasma or pigmentation:there are homeopathic remedies suited for this condition which will be decided by your homeopath.


How can you take care of yourself during pregnancy:

1.Go for regular checkups to your doctor.

2. See that you take all the prescribed medicines on time regularly. 3. You may continue your normal activities during pregnancy. However,if you feel tired, you should limit your work.Hard and strenous work should be avoided especially in the first trimester and the last 6 weeks. Maternity leave and a good amount of rest should be taken during the last 6 weeks, 4. Sleep should be around 10 hours in the last 6 weeks.If sleep becomes disturbed due to cramps or abdominal discomfort, then appropriate medications should be taken. 5. Bathing:Daily bath should be taken but be careful against slipping in the bathroom due to imbalance. 6. Wear loose and comfortable dresses.High heel shoes should be avoided, especially in later months of pregnancy. 7. Dental care should be done at the earliest and the most comfortable time for any dental procedure is 2nd trimester. 8 ,. Maintain good hygeine to avoid infections. 9. Travel: Travel by vehicles having jerks are to be avoided especially in first trimester and last 6 weeks.Long journey preferably should not be undertaken. Rail route is preferable to bus route, and travel in aircraft offers no risk. 10.Smoking and alcohol: Its better to stop smoking not only during pregnancy, but also thereafter.Heavy smokers have smaller babies . Alcohol consumption can cause foetal maldevelopment or growth retardation. 11. Show to your doctor immediately if you feel any untoward symptoms such as intense headache,disturbed sleep with restlessness,urinary troubles,epigastric pain,vomitting and scanty urination., any vaginal bleeding, however slight it may be.


Some terms explained:

1. Antenatal care: systematic supervision(examination and advice) of a woman during pregnancy is called as antenatal care.

2. Primigravida: a woman who is pregnant for the first time. 3.multigravida: One who has previously been pregnant.



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